Provide planning advice, support & guidance on Resource Management processes Newly adjusted competitive salaries & flexible-workingoptions Kaunihera Taiao ki Waitaha │ About Environment Canterbury Waitaha - our Canterbury region - is like no other and we are proud to call it home.
We areprivileged to be working with Ngā Papatipu Rūnanga, stakeholders, and our widercommunity to protect our environment, including water, land, and air throughregulation and planning.
As a Regional Council we're responsible for floodprotection, public transport, civil defence, and more.
Togetherwe're taking action to shape a thriving and resilient Canterbury, now and forfuture generations.
Toitū te marae o Tāne, toitū te marae o Tangaroa, toitū tetangata, If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive.
Kōrero mō te Tūranga | About the Role As the Senior Consents Planner, you’ll be exposed to some of the mostexciting and significant projects – Including irrigation schemes,waste-to-energy plants, and water management to name a few! Exposure to theseprojects will enhance your career significantly.
You’ll be part of a highly committed and capable team with a sharedvision.
You’ll investigate, advise and report on complex resource consentapplications and provide planning advice, support, and guidance to customers toassist in a better understanding of the Resource Management process.
This isa permanent full-time position, talk to us about flexible working options thatwork for you.
Indicative salary range $90,000 - $110,000 Mōu │ About You Ideally, you’ll be tertiary qualified in Planning, Natural Resources, Environmental Management, or other relevant discipline.
You’ll be astrong communicator, someone that connects easily with the community,customers, members of your team, and key stakeholders.
You’ll be a natural collaborator drawingpeople together and building trust as you provide advanced technical leadership inresource management.
We can teach you how we do things here at Environment Canterbury.
What we are looking for in our Senior Planners: Tertiary qualification in resource management or a relateddiscipline, backed up with extensive experience in Planning A working understanding of Māori Rights in the Resource Management Framework A sound understanding/previous training in Te Tiritī o Waitangi &the obligations and requirements of local government to Te Tiriti Comprehensive knowledge of the national direction and aninterest in the review of the Resource Management Act Experienceprocessing consents to hearings Experienceand skill in mentoring and coaching emerging planners Lead and manage resource consent process improvement Critical thinking, solutions focussed Ownership of case management and presentation at hearings Ifyou're excited about this opportunity but you feel your experience doesn’talign perfectly, we encourage your application.
Ngā hua o te Mahi i te Kaunihera Taiao ki Waitaha | Working at Environment Canterbury Our valuesunderpin everything we do.
We understand and embrace a diverse workforce; thisdiversity will enable us to better serve our people, our community, and ourgreatest taonga, the environment.
We value everyone’s contribution, diversethinking, and skills.
We're on ajourney to become a treaty partner of excellence, including incorporating te ao Māori into our work.
We offer supportive opportunities to develop capability inthis area and encourage our people to use kaupapa Māori, mātauranga Māori andte reo Māori in our daily work.
We welcome you with an open heart & mind,wherever you are on your personal te ao Māori journey.
To find outmore about us and the mahi we do - click here.
Applications close on Wednesday, 9 August.
Weencourage you to register your interest early.
We will be reviewingapplications as we receive them and reserve the right to close the advertisingearly.
Me mahi tahi tātou - Together we can Position description Apply now Share Apply now Permanent Full Time Job no: GNAJ354406 Location: Canterbury, Ashburton, Christchurch City, Environment Canterbury, Hurunui, Kaikoura, Mackenzie, Selwyn, South Canterbury, South Island, Timaru, Waimakariri, Waimate Closing Date: Wednesday, 9 August 2023 Print
Senior Consents Planner, Ashburton
110,000 NZ$
Senior Consents Planner, Ashburton
New Zealand, Canterbury, Ashburton,
Modified April 12, 2024
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