Consultant Psychiatrist - Aronui Ora Maternal Mental Health Aronui Ora is a specialist adult mental health service mental health care during pregnancy and early parenthood (the first 12 months of an infant’s life). Fulltime, permanent position, Monday to Friday, located in Greenlane Clinical Centre Will also consider candidates wanting part-time opportunities (0.7 FTE which includes an on-call component)Excellent opportunity if you are looking for a work life balance and relocation is provided Te whiwhinga mahi | The Opportunity Aronui Ora (Cloak of wellbeing) was formerly named the Maternal Mental Health Service.
This cloak represents the fine weaving of whānau and other supports for emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and the first year of an infant’s life.
Aronui Ora is a specialist adult mental health service, and we are gender inclusive.
The multi-disciplinary team is made up of mental health professionals from the disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, occupational therapy, psychotherapy and nursing.
We have team members with specialist knowledge in the area of infant care and attachment (promoting a secure parent and infant relationship).
The service provides antenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) support in community, clinic and hospital settings.
Beyond assessment, we offer a wide range of individual, group and family therapies and other targeted supports. Aronui Ora provides a consult liaison service to maternity wards at Auckland City Hospital (ACH), as well as providing pre-pregnancy advice and consultations when clinically indicated.
We are seeking an enthusiastic, skilled, proactive Consultant Psychiatrist, with a special interest in adult and infant mental health during pregnancy and early parenthood, to join our supportive and stable team.
For further details, please refer to the position description Nga Pūkenga Motuhake | Important Skills To be successful in this role you will be vocationally registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand with a current Practising Certificate or be eligible for registration (Please note, if you are an overseas specialist, you will be required to provide source verification of your qualifications for your registration application.
For more information about the registration process and source verification of qualifications, please .)You will also have experience and interest in providing a high-quality service to service users experiencing moderate to severe mental ill-health, in a community setting, during pregnancy and early parenthood and a commitment to achieving equitable outcomes for Māori is essential in this role. You will also hold a full and clean drivers license as this role involves some community work.
For more information about this role please contact Clarke Millar, Clinical Team Leader - Aronui Ora - Maternal Mental Health at or Ko wai mātou | Our Organisation We are Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland.
We provide health and disability services to more than half a million people living in central Auckland, regional services for Northland and greater Auckland, and specialist national services for the whole of New Zealand.
Our main sites are Auckland City Hospital, Greenlane Clinical Centre and Starship Children’s Hospital, located in central Auckland.
We are part of We are also an Accredited Employer with Immigration NZ (Please visit Immigration NZ Accredited Employer Work Visa for more information if you will be needing a Work Visa)We are committed to upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and providing culturally safe care.
We value role modelling manaakitanga as demonstrated by Ngāti Whātua in the gifting of their whenua on which our hospitals stand.
We aspire to having a workforce reflective of the communities we serve and achieving equitable outcomes for all. He aha ngā painga o tēnei mahi mōu | Why you will enjoy working here We recognise there is more to life than mahi | work, and we encourage and provide access to all our staff several services and benefits to support themselves whilst they are employed within Te Toka Tumai Auckland.
Consultant Psychiatrist - Aronui Ora Maternal Mental Health, Auckland
Consultant Psychiatrist - Aronui Ora Maternal Mental Health, Auckland
New Zealand, Auckland, Auckland,
Modified April 12, 2024
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