Lead Clinician - Child and Adolescents Mental Health Service - Kari Centre Seeking a skilled and experienced Senior Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, registered nurse, social worker or occupational therapist, as Lead Clinician, for our Kari Centre, for Child and Adolescent mental health. This is a full time role is comprised of 0.2 FTE lead clinician and 0.8 FTE clinical practice (could be part time minimum 0.8 FTE for the right candidate).
Key leadership role in exciting service On-going staff support and development Central location The Kari Centre, an exciting and dynamic Child and Adolescent Mental Health outpatient service that provides assessment and therapy to children, young people, and their families within the central Auckland area.
Te whiwhinga mahi | The Opportunity As the Lead Clinician for this team you will bring clinical leadership skills, ensuring the effective day to day operation of the service.
This includes leading and implementing service developments, improvements and initiatives. The Kari Centre has a strong reputation for excellence, innovation, and training, and is dedicated to offering opportunities for career development. The multi-disciplinary team is made up of mental health professionals from the disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, nursing and cultural advisors.
We have team members with specialist knowledge including infant mental health, neuro development, family therapy and DBT. Kari Centre has implemented the CHOICE and Partnership approach, for more information please see Nga Pūkenga Motuhake | Important Skills We welcome applications from experienced NZ registered Consultant Psychiatrists, Mental Health Nurses, Clinical Psychologists, Registered Psychotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers. The position requires a self-motivated and conscientious leader with a strong clinical and consumer focus.
You will relish the challenges and enjoy working in a supportive environment.
You will have a positive attitude, flexibility and a proven ability to form good relationships with staff, consumers and their families/whanau.
Although experience in a clinical leadership role is desirable, experienced mental health professionals with a desire to extend into a Clinical leadership role will be considered, and if successful will be supported in their development.
You will work collaboratively at a senior clinical level with the clinical team leader, clients, colleagues, mental health service providers, and other community agencies to promote service user recovery. A full and clean driver's license is required.
For further details, please refer to the position description here. For more information about this role please contact Sharon Kipling-Adamson, Operations Manager, at He aha ngā painga o tēnei mahi mōu | Why you will enjoy working here We recognise there is more to life than mahi | work, and we encourage and provide access to all our staff several services and benefits to support themselves whilst they are employed within Te Toka Tumai Auckland.
Lead Clinician - Child And Adolescents Mental Health Service…, Auckland
Lead Clinician - Child And Adolescents Mental Health Service…, Auckland
New Zealand, Auckland, Auckland,
Modified October 23, 2024
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